
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Don't Be Limited to the Here & Now

What does faith have to do with joy? Everything!

The man Paul, whom God used to write almost half the New Testament, was
known for singing and leading a cruel Roman guard to Salvation while chained
to a wall in a cold, damp jail in Philippi. There is no question of his
faith in Christ and the obvious joy he exuded in the most strenuous of
circumstances. Paul made the bold comment, "follow me as I follow Christ".

It was Paul who wrote to the church in Philippi, while imprisoned in a cold,
lonely cell, these amazing words,
             "Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, rejoice" (4:4)
Paul was able to rejoice and call others to rejoice because Christ was more
precious and more powerful to him than having comfortable circumstances.
Rejoicing in Christ the Lord takes faith. Without it, our tendency is to
focus on the negative and rely on ourselves. This tendency limits us to the
here and now instead of the eternal glory of God and future reward that
awaits those who trust Him.

Jesus promised us a divine joy that is full and complete. The personal
condition for the realization of that kind of joy is simply to abide in Him.
That is, be in Him, in union, in submission, in obedience, in love.

If you are hearing the Word of Christ in your heart saying, "abide in Me",
"remain in Me", then take a moment to seek Him.

He is the perfect One and does not need to change, I do. I ask Him all the
time to change me, conform me, and make me more Christ-like.

O how He loves you and me. He is worthy!

~ From, Pastor David ~

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