
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Switched On

Switched On

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden:” Matthew 5:14

This is a remarkable affirming word Jesus gives to His followers. It has to do with purity, authority and influence.
You are a light in your world. Together, we are a light to the whole world.

Marcia and I were walking through our neighborhood last night. The properties which caught our immediate attention were those which had Christmas lights shining on them. 
I wanted to see the lights up close. We were drawn to them instead of the homes which 
had no lights at all. One home had soft Christmas music playing from one of the 
motorized reindeer. Pretty clever.

Here are a few thoughts about “light” you can carry with you through the day.

    1. A single sunbeam is able to drive away many shadows.
2. Light, even though it passes through pollution is not polluted.

3. I don’t have to light all the world, just my part.

You are what Jesus says you are!
He is the Light of Life in you!

No need to force a light to shine, just turn the switch “on”. 
By faith in Christ we shine as lights in the darkness!

Be blessed!

Pastor David DiPietro Jr.

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